Industrial Design 2018.
Sipro is an intelligent social robot designed to help parents be more productive with home tasks and monitor their children. Sipro doesn’t replace parents or a nanny but serves as a helpful aid to free you from unnecessary thinking. It has prominent features like cleaning the air from pollen, allergens, and smoke, reminders, a first aid database, and maintaining the right temperature in the children’s room. You can sleep without worries because if the baby starts to cry, Sipro will detect crying and alarm you. When a child grows up, Sipro can be a useful toy and teach your child unfamiliar words, painting, projecting pictures or movies on the wall, or drive thanks to the self-balancing system.
Air Purifier
Sipro has an air purifier that removes all the insufficiency in the air and thus provides a healthier environment for your little ones. Thanks to temperature sensors, Sipro can set the air conditioner via Wi-Fi to achieve the optimal room temperature.
Let's be creative
Sipro is fun. Together, you can do many great things. With a projector in his nose, he can project images, drawings, video, …
Drive with Sipro
With additional parts, you can transform Sipro to be your baby walker or you can drive it thanks to his self-balancing system
Charging pad
When batteries come to the end, Sipro automatically go to the charging pad
Don't miss a thing
Give your children freedom, but also keep an on eye on what are they doing. With a powerful HD camera, Sipro can capture unforgettable moments or serve as a system for monitoring your children through a mobile phone. Also, you can manage your robot over the phone.